Chapter 10. Menus

Table of Contents

1. Main Menu
1.1. File
1.1.1. Open Folder...
1.1.2. Add Folder...
1.1.3. Open Files...
1.1.4. Add Files...
1.1.5. Open Playlist...
1.1.6. Add Playlist...
1.1.7. Open Recent
1.1.8. Close Files
1.1.9. Play Song
1.1.10. Update License
1.1.11. Preferences
1.1.12. Save Preferences
1.1.13. Save Changes
1.1.14. Save And Move...
1.1.15. Save And Copy...
1.1.16. Force Save
1.1.17. Revert Changes
1.1.18. Save Artwork to File system
1.1.19. Exit
1.2. Edit
1.2.1. Undo
1.2.2. Redo
1.2.3. Copy from View Pane
1.2.4. Copy from Edit Pane
1.2.5. Paste
1.2.6. Paste First Value
1.2.7. Paste to Start
1.2.8. Paste to End
1.2.9. Remove Whitespace
1.2.10. Remove Widespace
1.2.11. Delete
1.2.12. Set Value...
1.2.13. Find and Replace...
1.2.14. Capitalizer... Title Case Sentence Case Capitalize all letters Lowercase all letters
1.2.15. Swap Columns... Swap Artist with Album Swap Artist with Title Swap Artist with Track No Swap Artist with Comment Swap Album with Title Swap Album with Track No Swap Album with Comment Swap Title with Track No Swap Track No with Comment Swap Title with Comment
1.2.16. Empty Columns... Empty Artist Column Empty Album Column Empty Title Column Empty Album Artist Column Empty Track No Column Empty Genre Column Empty Year Column Empty Artwork Column
1.2.17. Swap
1.2.18. Prepend to Left
1.2.19. Prepend to Right
1.2.20. Renumber Track Nos
1.3. View
1.3.1. Show View Pane
1.3.2. Show Tag Browser
1.3.3. Show Detail Pane
1.3.4. Show Tool Bar
1.3.5. Show ID3 Tabs
1.3.6. View Artwork Full-size
1.3.7. View this Song at MusicBrainz
1.3.8. View this Artist at MusicBrainz
1.3.9. View this Album at MusicBrainz
1.3.10. View this Acoustic Id at MusicBrainz
1.3.11. View this Song at Amazon
1.3.12. View this Album at Discogs
1.3.13. View this Album at Wikipedia
1.3.14. View this Artist at Discogs
1.3.15. View this Artist at Wikipedia
1.4. Action
1.4.1. Auto Correct
1.4.2. Match To Album Match Songs to one MusicBrainz Album Match Songs to Specified MusicBrainz Album... Match Songs to MusicBrainz Album by Barcode... Match Songs to MusicBrainz Album by Catno... Match Songs to one Discogs Album Match Songs to Specified Discogs Album... Match Songs to Discogs Album by Barcode... Match Songs to Discogs Album by Catno...
1.4.3. Local Correct Correct Artists Correct Albums Correct Titles Correct Genres Correct Track Nos Correct Years Correct Composers Correct Artwork
1.4.4. File And Folder Correct Change Base Folder Shift Base Folder to Sub Folder Shift Sub Folder to Base Folder Correct Sub Folders From Metadata Correct Filenames From Metadata Correct Metadata From Filename
1.4.5. Remote Correct... Retrieve Acoustids Auto correct Metadata from MusicBrainz Auto correct Metadata from Discogs Submit MusicBrainz/AcoustId Pair Submit MusicBrainz Genres Submit Barcodes Submit Ratings Submit New Release Add to your MusicBrainz Collection Remove from your MusicBrainz Collection Manual Correct Tags from MusicBrainz Update Metadata from MusicBrainz Update Metadata From Discogs
1.4.6. Delete Duplicates
1.4.7. Delete Files
1.4.8. Undelete Files
1.5. Filters
1.5.1. Highlight Fields Duplicate MusicBrainz Recording Id Duplicate Acoustid Non-standard Genres Non-iTunes Genres
1.5.2. Filter Non Standard Genres No Genres Enabled Non Standard Genres Non-iTunes Genres
1.5.3. Filter MusicBrainz Recording Ids No MusicBrainz Unique Id Filters Enabled Duplicate MusicBrainz Recording Ids MusicBrainz Recording Id Exists MusicBrainz Recording Id does not Exist
1.5.4. Filter Acoustids No Acoustids Filters Enabled Duplicate Acoustid Acoustid Exists Acoustid does not Exist
1.5.5. Duplicate MB Recording Id and Acoustid
1.6. Advanced
1.6.1. Export...
1.6.2. Import...
1.6.3. Empty Cache
1.6.4. Create Support Files
1.7. Reports
1.7.1. List Missing Tracks for Albums
1.8. Help
1.8.1. Check for Later Version
1.8.2. Register
1.8.3. Offline Help
1.8.4. Online Help
1.8.5. About
2. Preferences
2.1. General
2.1.1. Appearance
2.1.2. Toolbar
2.1.3. Base Folder
2.1.4. Proxy Server
2.1.5. Database
2.2. Table
2.2.1. Columns
2.2.2. Audio Columns
2.2.3. ID3 Columns
2.2.4. Display
2.2.5. Synchronisation
2.3. Save
2.3.1. ID3Tag V1
2.3.2. ID3Tag V2
2.3.3. General
2.3.4. Compatibility
2.3.5. iTunes AutoUpdate
2.4. MusicBrainz
2.5. Remote Correct
2.5.1. Match
2.5.2. Discogs
2.5.3. Correct Genres
2.6. Local Correct
2.6.1. Auto Match
2.6.2. Auto Format
2.6.3. Track Correct
2.6.4. Year Correct
2.6.5. Artwork Correct
2.6.6. Delete Duplicates
2.7. File And Folder Correct
2.7.1. File and Folder Naming
2.7.2. Rename Folder from Metadata
2.7.3. Rename File from Metadata
2.7.4. Correct Metadata from Filename
2.8. Manipulators
2.8.1. AutoCorrecter
2.8.2. Word Remover
2.8.3. Word Separator
2.8.4. Word Replacer
2.8.5. Punctuation Remover
2.8.6. Capitalizer
3. Popup Menu
3.1. View Panel Row Popup Menu
3.2. View Panel Popup Menu
3.3. Edit Panel Row Popup Menu
3.4. Edit Panel Popup Menu

1. Main Menu

The main menu items work as follows, items in the Edit menu that works on individual fields such as Copy, Paste, Swap and Capitalizer are only applied to the currently selected fields in the Edit Panel. All other tasks are applied to those songs currently selected in the row header (the record no column on the left hand side of the Edit Panel) if any are selected, if none are selected then the task is applied to all visible songs.

1.1. File

1.1.1. Open Folder...

Use this to load your songs into Jaikoz, selecting the option will start a file browser that you can use to select the folder you want to load songs from. By default files within the subfolders will also be loaded but you can disable this by deselecting Preferences:General:Base Folder:Include Sub Folders when searching for Songs.

The Guess where to split folder into Base Folder option means that Jaikoz decides how to split the folder path. This becomes more important if you want to use the Correct Sub Folders from Metadata option because you will want the folders you want to modify to be in the Sub Folder field. Jaikoz first looks to see the folder path contains an already registered Base Folder in Preferences:General:BaseFolder list , if not it try’s to split folders that match Metadata such as Artist are placed in the Sub Folder field, and those that are general names such as Music or My Files are placed in the base Folder field.

Alternatively you can set the split between the Base Folder and the SubFolderyourself using Specify the number of folders above this selection to set the Base Folder to option. When set to zero the path selected will be set as the Base Folder (any other folders below will be set as the Sub Folder), as the value is increased more of the path will be put into the Sub Folder field and less put into the Base Folder field.

If you are attempting to load a large number of files a Progress Monitor will display showing the file loading progress, if you want to stop loading click on Cancel and no further files will be loaded. You cannot start editing until the load has completed.

1.1.2. Add Folder...

Use this to load further songs into Jaikoz, without replacing currently loaded files.

1.1.3. Open Files...

Use this to load songs into Jaikoz, you can use this option to select one or more individual files from a directory without having to load all the files in the directory, any currently loaded files will be discarded.

1.1.4. Add Files...

Use this to load additional songs into Jaikoz, without replacing currently loaded files.

1.1.5. Open Playlist...

Use this to open all the files specified in a playlist. Currently the popular M3U format is the only playlist format supported.

1.1.6. Add Playlist...

Use this to open all the files specified in a playlist, without replacing currently loaded files. Currently the popular M3U format is the only playlist format supported.

1.1.7. Open Recent

Use this to reopen files/folders or play-lists that have been recently opened, maintains a history of the last ten items opened.

1.1.8. Close Files

Use this to close songs currently opened within Jaikoz. If you have modified any of the files you will be given the chance to save your changes.

1.1.9. Play Song

Play the selected song(s) using your default player or an alternative specified in the preferences.

1.1.10. Update License

This can be used to install a full license before your trial license has expired, once a full license has been installed this option is permanently disabled.

1.1.11. Preferences

Display the Jaikoz Preferences.

1.1.12. Save Preferences

This will save any changes you have made to your preferences to file so they will be preserved the next time you start Jaikoz. By default preferences are automatically saved when you exit Jaikoz anyway unless yo have disabled this option.

1.1.13. Save Changes

This will save changes you have made to your songs, including files that are marked for deletion.

Once the save has completed, for all songs successfully saved the View Panel will be updated to show the metadata information as is currently held in the record, the Edit Panel will show the same as the Read Panel. Any songs not successfully saved will still have a status of Changed or Deleted and the songs saved metadata will be the same as before the editing was done. For more details about how save works see Saving Changes

1.1.14. Save And Move...

This will save changes you songs and move them to a different folder that you select. For more details about how save works see Saving Changes

After save the moved files will no longer be open in Jaikoz

1.1.15. Save And Copy...

This will save changes you have made to your songs and copy them to a different folder that you select. For more details about how save works see Saving Changes

1.1.16. Force Save

This will re-save songs, regardless of whether you have made any changes, including marking files for deletion. This can be useful if you wish to re-save a file because you want to modify the way it is saved. For example you may wish to save a file with unsynchronization either enabled or disabled.

Once the save has completed for all songs successfully saved the View Panel will be updated to show the tag information as is currently held in the record, the Edit Panel will show the same as the Read Panel. Any songs not successfully saved will still have a status of Changed or Deleted and the songs data will be the same as before the editing was done. For more details about how save works see Saving Changes

1.1.17. Revert Changes

Undo any changes to fields in the song, so it is the same as when originally loaded.

1.1.18. Save Artwork to File system

If any songs contain embedded artwork the first artwork for each song will be saved as folder.jpg in the songs folder overwriting any existing folder.jpg. This is useful for some players that look for artwork on the file system instead of within the artwork itself.

1.1.19. Exit

Exit Jaikoz. First of all it will check if you have made modifications to your preferences but not saved them. If you have you will see

click Yes to save preferences or No to not.

It will then check if you have modified any songs. if you have you will see

click Yes to save changes or No not to.

After saving if necessary Jaikoz will then exit

1.2. Edit

This Menu provides access to basic editing functions.

1.2.1. Undo

Undo any changes to selected fields.

1.2.2. Redo

Redo any changes to selected fields previously undone.

1.2.3. Copy from View Pane

Copies the selected items from the View Pane, multiple fields within a single column can be copied. This data can be pasted into another applications outside of Jaikoz if you wish.

1.2.4. Copy from Edit Pane

Copies the selected items from the Edit Pane

1.2.5. Paste

Pastes the previously copied values (including multiple values if they have them) to the currently selected fields in the edit pane. If the copy area was larger than the selected paste area, then only the required number of fields are pasted, if the copy area was smaller than the selected paste area, we reuse the copied fields in order to populate the paste area.

1.2.6. Paste First Value

Pastes the previously copied values (only pasting first value if field has multiple values) to the currently selected fields in the edit pane

1.2.7. Paste to Start

Pastes the previously copied values to the start of the currently selected fields in the edit pane, (separated by a space character).

1.2.8. Paste to End

Pastes the previously copied values to the end of the currently selected fields in the edit pane, (separated by a space character).

1.2.9. Remove Whitespace

This removes whitespace at the start or end of the currently selected fields in the edit pane.

1.2.10. Remove Widespace

Widespace is when there is more than one space between words, this option removes the additional spaces so that there is only one space between words in the currently selected fields in the edit pane

1.2.11. Delete

Deletes the currently selected fields in the edit pane

1.2.12. Set Value...

Set the value of the selected fields to any text that you enter into the pop-up dialog.

1.2.13. Find and Replace...

Find and Replace values in the edit pane

1.2.14. Capitalizer...

Change the case/capitalization of the selected fields. Title Case

Change the case to Title case. The letters for most words is capitalized except for a list of words that should not be capitalized configured in Capitalizer Preferences Sentence Case

Change the case to Sentence case Capitalize all letters

Change all letters to uppercase Lowercase all letters

Change all letters to lowercase

1.2.15. Swap Columns...

Swap the data between two predefined columns. Swapping between the most popular columns are defined in this sub menu, alternatively you can use the Swap to swap data between fields in two arbitrary columns Swap Artist with Album

Swap the data between these two columns Swap Artist with Title

Swap the data between these two columns Swap Artist with Track No

Swap the data between these two columns Swap Artist with Comment

Swap the data between these two columns Swap Album with Title

Swap the data between these two columns Swap Album with Track No

Swap the data between these two columns Swap Album with Comment

Swap the data between these two columns Swap Title with Track No

Swap the data between these two columns Swap Track No with Comment

Swap the data between these two columns Swap Title with Comment

Swap the data between these two columns

1.2.16. Empty Columns...

By using the submenus you can empty all the visible fields in a particular column, you can also empty any column by selecting this option from the column header menu. Empty Artist Column

Empty all the visible artist fields of metadata. Empty Album Column

Empty all the visible album fields of metadata. Empty Title Column

Empty all the title fields of metadata. Empty Album Artist Column

Empty all the visible album artist fields of metadata. Empty Track No Column

Empty all the visible track no fields of metadata. Empty Genre Column

Empty all the visible genre fields of metadata. Empty Year Column

Empty all the visible year fields of metadata. Empty Artwork Column

Empty all the visible artwork fields of metadata.

1.2.17. Swap

This menu is available whenever you have selected some fields in two separate columns,selecting it will swap the contents of the fields from one column with the other

1.2.18. Prepend to Left

This menu is available whenever you have selected some fields in two separate columns,selecting it will copy the contents of the fields in the right column into the start of the fields in the left column (separated by a space character)

1.2.19. Prepend to Right

This menu is available whenever you have selected some fields in two separate columns,selecting it will copy the contents of the fields in the left column into the start of the fields in the right column (separated by a space character)

1.2.20. Renumber Track Nos

This menu is available whenever you have selected some fields in the track no column,selecting it will renumbers the fields starting from the value of the first field (based on the current sort order), or starting from one if the first field has no value. The renumbering is based on the current order of the files, the numbering takes into account your Track No Preferences

1.3. View

This menu allows you to hide or show various components, your configuration is always automatically saved between invocations of Jaikoz without you having to save preferences.

1.3.1. Show View Pane

From here you can toggle between showing/hiding the View Pane. By default the View Pane is not shown because hiding it provides a simpler interface,providing more space for editing right away. But showing the View Pane allows you to identify the ID3v1,ID3v2 and MPEG fields and identify the modifications that you have made.

1.3.2. Show Tag Browser

From here you can toggle between showing/hiding the Tag Browser ,by default the Tag Browser is shown

1.3.3. Show Detail Pane

From here you can toggle between showing/hiding the Console Pane. By default the Console Pane is shown, you may wish to hide the Console Pane to provide more space for editing. Everything written to the Console also gets written to the user log file regardless of whether the console is visible for the View Pane.

1.3.4. Show Tool Bar

From here you can toggle between showing/hiding the Toolbar. By default the Toolbar is shown.

1.3.5. Show ID3 Tabs

From here you can toggle between showing/hiding the ID3 tabs in the View and Edit panels. The ID3 tabs are only useful for MP3 files and are intended for users with an understanding of the ID3 format.

1.3.6. View Artwork Full-size

Available if you have one track selected with artwork

1.3.7. View this Song at MusicBrainz

Available if you have songs selected with a MB Unique Id see View this Track at MusicBrainz

1.3.8. View this Artist at MusicBrainz

Available if you have songs selected with a MB Artist Id see View this Artist at MusicBrainz

1.3.9. View this Album at MusicBrainz

Available if you have songs selected with a MB Release Id see View this Album at MusicBrainz

1.3.10. View this Acoustic Id at MusicBrainz

Available if you have songs selected with an Acoustid see View this Acoustic Id at MusicBrainz. Some tracks may have an acoustic id that isn’t actually in the MusicBrainz database so this option may open an empty page.

1.3.11. View this Song at Amazon

Available if you have songs selected with an Amazon Id see View this Amazon Id at Amazon

1.3.12. View this Album at Discogs

Available if you have songs selected with an Release Discogs Url

1.3.13. View this Album at Wikipedia

Available if you have songs selected with an Release Wikipedia Url

1.3.14. View this Artist at Discogs

Available if you have songs selected with an Artist Discogs Url

1.3.15. View this Artist at Wikipedia

Available if you have songs selected with an Artist Wikipedia Url

1.4. Action

This Menu is for performing auto correcting tasks.

1.4.1. Auto Correct

Runs the AutoCorrecter over all songs performing the tasks as specified in your AutoCorrecter Preferences in the order they were specified. If the task takes a while to complete a

if you want to stop the Auto Correcter click on Cancel and it will not complete the remaining tasks

1.4.2. Match To Album

This menu is for fixing release information for just a single release. Match Songs to one MusicBrainz Album

Tries to match all the selected songs to one MusicBrainz Release. This is very useful if your songs are listed as being from various albums but you know they all belong on a single album. Jaikoz will only allow the match if it has been possible to match all songs to another song on the release, and track lengths are approximately the same. Match Songs to Specified MusicBrainz Album...

Tries to match all the selected songs to specified MusicBrainz Release. This is very useful if you have already found the MusicBrainz release you want the songs to be linked to. You can also search for a release here, selecting the Search button opens up Advanced Release Search. From here you can do advanced release search, this works the same way as doing an advanced release search on the MusicBrainz website, once you select a good match this is used for matching your songs. It is also useful to force a match to a release that is not allowed by Match Songs to one MusicBrainz Release because Jaikoz will warn you if there are anomalies but allow you to ignore warnings and match anyway. Match Songs to MusicBrainz Album by Barcode...

Tries to match all the selected songs to specified MusicBrainz Release matching on barcode, this is useful if you have been digitising an album and have the physical record available, saves you doing a MusicBrainz search. Match Songs to MusicBrainz Album by Catno...

Tries to match all the selected songs to specified MusicBrainz Release matching on catalogue no, this is useful if you have been digitising an album and have the physical record available, saves you doing a MusicBrainz search. Match Songs to one Discogs Album

Tries to match all the selected songs to one Discogs Release. This is very useful if your songs are listed as being from various albums but you know they all belong on a single album Match Songs to Specified Discogs Album...

Tries to match all the selected songs to specified Discogs Release. This is very useful if you have already found the Discogs release you want the songs to be linked to. If your songs are not close matches to the selected release in duration Jaikoz warns you and gives you the chance to match to the release anyway. Match Songs to Discogs Album by Barcode...

Tries to match all the selected songs to specified MusicBrainz Discogs matching on barcode, this is useful if you have been digitising an album and have the physical record available, saves you doing a Discogs search. Match Songs to Discogs Album by Catno...

Tries to match all the selected songs to specified Discogs Album matching on catalogue no, this is useful if you have been digitising an album and have the physical record available, saves you doing a Discogs search.

1.4.3. Local Correct

This menu is for performing corrections that effect the Metadata but not the filename, and do not require access to the Internet. All these local corrections run very quickly. Correct Artists

Perform a Cross Referencing Correct on the Artist column. More information about the Artist Column can be found here Correct Albums

Perform a Cross Referencing Correct on the Album column. More information about the Album Column can be found here Correct Titles

Perform a Cross Referencing Correct on the Title column. More information about the Title Column can be found here Correct Genres

Perform a Cross Referencing Correct on the Genre column. More information about the Genre Column can be found here Correct Track Nos

Perform a Local Correct on the Track No column. More information about the Track No Column can be found here Correct Years

Perform a Cross Referencing Correct on the Recording Time column. More information about the Year Column can be found here Correct Composers

Perform a Cross Referencing Correct on the Composer column. More information about the Composer Column can be found here Correct Artwork

Perform a Local Correct on the Artwork column. More information about the Artwork Column can be found here

1.4.4. File And Folder Correct Change Base Folder

Modify the base folder field of the selected songs to another existing folder. Shift Base Folder to Sub Folder

This shifts the last folder in the base folder over to become the first folder in the Sub Folder field, this is normally used in conjunction with the Correct Sub Folder From Metadata action. Shift Sub Folder to Base Folder

This shifts the first folder in the sub folder field over to become the last folder in the Base Folder field, this is normally used in conjunction with the Correct Sub Folder From Metadata action. Correct Sub Folders From Metadata

Renames your sub folder from the information in your fields and the rename mask that you have provided. More information available from here Correct Filenames From Metadata

Renames your filename from the information in your fields and the rename mask that you have provided. More information available from here Correct Metadata From Filename

Extract information from your filename into your fields, more information from here

1.4.5. Remote Correct... Retrieve Acoustids

Generate acoustids for your the songs (acoustids can be used to match your songs with songs from the MusicBrainz Database). More information is available from here Auto correct Metadata from MusicBrainz

Matches your songs against the MusicBrainz Database, using the audio fingerprint and/or the song Metadata. More information is available from here Auto correct Metadata from Discogs

Matches your songs against the Discogs Database, using the song metadata. More information is available from here Submit MusicBrainz/AcoustId Pair

Submit your matches to the new AcoustId Database, Jaikoz will start to use this database for matching in the future. Submit MusicBrainz Genres

Submit your track and release genres to the MusicBrainz Folksonomy, more information available from Submit MusicBrainz Genres Submit Barcodes

Submit your album barcodes to MusicBrainz. Submit Ratings

Submit your song ratings to MusicBrainz Submit New Release

Adds the selected songs to MusicBrainz, the MusicBrainz Release Editor is opened with all the information from your selected songs already completed, this makes it much easier and quicker to add new releases to MusicBrainz. Add to your MusicBrainz Collection

Submit your collection (list of releases) to MusicBrainz, more information available from Submit MusicBrainz Collection Remove from your MusicBrainz Collection

Remove the selected releases from your MusicBrainz Collection Manual Correct Tags from MusicBrainz

Matches your tracks against the MusicBrainz Database, using the audio fingerprint and/or the track Metadata, and provides a list of possible matches that you can select. More information is available from Manual Correct tags from MusicBrainz Update Metadata from MusicBrainz

Updates the Metadata from the MusicBrainz Database, for tracks that already have a MB Unique Id, or a MB Release Id, see Updates Tags from MusicBrainz for more details. Update Metadata From Discogs

Updates the Metadata from the MusicBrainz Database, for tracks that already have a Discogs Release url, see Update Tags from Discogs for more details.

1.4.6. Delete Duplicates

Delete duplicates songs based on their MusicBrainz Id and/or Acoustic Id, more details at Delete Duplicates.

1.4.7. Delete Files

Mark Files for deletion, the files will only actually be deleted if you run Save Changes.

1.4.8. Undelete Files

Mark Files for undeletion

1.5. Filters

This Menu is for filtering and highlighting songs. Filtering restricts the songs that are displayed in the Edit window, subsequent menu options are only applied to the songs still available in the edit window. Highlighting changes the colour of fields to indicate they meet a particular condition.

1.5.1. Highlight Fields

Menu items within this menu highlight fields in particular columns based on some predefined conditions Duplicate MusicBrainz Recording Id

When enabled MB Recording Id fields that are the same as at least one other songs are highlighted in orange Duplicate Acoustid

When enabled Acoustid Id fields that contain an Acoustic Id that is the same as in at least one other record are highlighted in orange Non-standard Genres

When enabled Genre fields that contain a non-standard genre are highlighted in orange Non-iTunes Genres

When enabled Genre fields that contain a non-intuitive genre are highlighted in orange. Itunes only recognizes the basic set of Genres, rather the extended set.

1.5.2. Filter Non Standard Genres

Menu items within this menu filter songs to only show those that meet predefined conditions No Genres Enabled

Cancels any genres filters Non Standard Genres

When enabled only shows songs with non-standard genres, none standard genres are any of the genres not in the list defined in the ID3 specification. Non-iTunes Genres

When enabled only shows songs with iTunes genres

1.5.3. Filter MusicBrainz Recording Ids

Menu items within this menu filter songs to only show those that meet predefined conditions No MusicBrainz Unique Id Filters Enabled

Cancels any MusicBrainz filters Duplicate MusicBrainz Recording Ids

When enabled only songs containing a MB Recording Id field that is the same as at least one other song are displayed. This function is very useful for finding and possibly deleting duplicate versions of the same song. This id now only identifies a unique recording, the same exact recording can be found on multiple different albums, each song would have the same MB Recording Id but a different MB Release Id. In fact to accurately identify a particular track on a particular release, the Recording Id, Release Id, Disc no and track no are required. MusicBrainz Recording Id Exists

When enabled only songs that do not contain a MB Recording Id field are shown. This function is useful for finding tracks that have not been matched to MusicBrainz, that may need matching manually MusicBrainz Recording Id does not Exist

When enabled only songs that do not contain a MB Recording Id field are shown. This function is useful for finding tracks that have not been matched to MusicBrainz, that may need matching manually.

1.5.4. Filter Acoustids No Acoustids Filters Enabled

Cancels any Acoustid Id filters Duplicate Acoustid

When enabled only songs containing an Acoustid that is the same as at least one other song are displayed, filter status is also shown in the status bar. This filter is very useful for finding and possibly deleting duplicate versions of the same song. Acoustid Exists

When enabled only songs containing an Acoustid are shown. This filter is useful for listing tracks that have been matched to Acoustid. Acoustid does not Exist

When enabled only songs that do not contain an Acoustid . This filter is useful for finding tracks that have not been matched to Acoustid

1.5.5. Duplicate MB Recording Id and Acoustid

When enabled only songs containing a MB Recording Id and Acoustid combination that is the same as at least one other songs are displayed, filter status is also shown in the status bar. This filter is very useful for finding and possibly deleting duplicate versions of the same song.

1.6. Advanced

1.6.1. Export...

Export the songs to a spreadsheet file so the details can be archived or modified outside of Jaikoz. More details at Export

1.6.2. Import...

Import song information from a spreadsheet file replacing any modified values with the ones in the spreadsheet. More details at Import

1.6.3. Empty Cache

Empty the database cache. The database stores the details of artists, albums and tracks that have been downloaded from MusicBrainz and songs that have previously been loaded into Jaikoz. This allows subsequent lookup to be done locally and much more quickly, but you may wish to empty the cache to ensure that Jaikoz gets any updates to MusicBrainz since the information was originally downloaded. It also speeds up the reloading of files into Jaikoz from your computer.

1.6.4. Create Support Files

If you have a problem with Jaikoz please use this option to create a zip file containing all the important information that will help to fix the problem, please use this option whenever you have an unexpected error occurring within Jaikoz.

1.7. Reports

1.7.1. List Missing Tracks for Albums

This will create a list of albums from the tracks that you have selected that have been successfully matched to MusicBrainz, and the list the tracks within each album that you do not appear to have, more details from here

1.8. Help

This menu contains access to information about Jaikoz and a number of 3rd party websites that may be useful to you.

1.8.1. Check for Later Version

Check for updates to Jaikoz.

1.8.2. Register

Register Jaikoz

1.8.3. Offline Help

Shows this help

1.8.4. Online Help

Access the latest version of help online viewed in your default browser

1.8.5. About

Describes this version of Jaikoz, the user license agreement and acknowledges the third party products used.