Install SongKong

SongKong can easily be installed from the Front Panel OLED

  1. Select Settings/Music Database/SongKong/Install SongKong from the Melco OLED
  2. Select OK when prompted to Install SongKong
  3. The OLED will say Install in Progress, wait a few minutes for SongKong to download and install SongKong
  4. Select OK when OLED says SongKong was Installed
  5. Select Settings/Music Database/SongKong/SongKong Service
  6. Set to On
  7. After first install please wait 5 minutes before trying to access SongKong

Using SongKong

SongKong can be accessed via any web browser from any device that can see your Melco on the network, this could be a computer, tablet or smart phone. You can then access SongKong on port 4567 using the Melco network name or ipaddress

You can check the full url to use as follows

  1. Select Settings/Music Database/SongKong/Configure Service from the Melco OLED
  2. This will show the url to use in your web browser such as

Full Melco License Installation

On first access to SongKong on your Melco Music Library you will see the following page

You can get a free limited Melco Lite license or purchase a full Melco License. To receive the Melco Lite license just enter your E-mail address and select Send License, your license will be sent immediately to your email account, alternatively you can purchase a full Melco License from here.

Once you have either your free or purchased license enter the license details into the Email, License Key 1 and License key 2 fields then select Verify License

If details entered correctly can then select Continue

Then just need to agree license agreement and select OK

Now you are ready to go

Stop SongKong Service

By default SongKong runs continually in the background ready to receive requests, if you do not need currently require SongKong you can stop it as follows

  1. Select Settings/Music Database/SongKong/SongKong Service from the Melco OLED
  2. Select Off from SongKong Service menu

Stop SongKong Immediately

You can shutdown SongKong immediately on your Melco by selecting the Admin option from the main menu, and then selecting the Shutdown SongKong Immediately option. Within five seconds SongKong should be closed down. To restart SongKong you will need to restart your Melco

Restart SongKong Service

If SongKong service has been stopped you can restart it as follows

  1. Select Settings/Music Database/SongKong/SongKong Service from the Melco OLED
  2. Select On from SongKong Service menu