Automatic Song Matching
SongKong is designed to be the easiest and fastest way to organize your music – identify songs and albums and add missing album art.
SongKong uses intelligent acoustic matching from Acoustid to listen to your songs and find matches even when they have no information at all, but also takes advantage of existing file and metadata information to ensure you get the best album match.
Album Matching
Some fingerprint based solutions only identify the songs, but not the correct album. SongKong is album focused, it groups songs intelligently into albums and will only updates the songs in the group if it can match them to the same album
Album name can be augmented with other information such as album type or audio format.
Match Whole Library
There are a number of automatic matching solutions that work okay for matching one album, but have to be done one album at time. SongKong is different, you can apply to your whole music collection and fix it in one go
Because of the clever queuing system there is no limit on how many songs you can process in one go
Because it is is fully multi-threaded SongKong tracks advantage of all your cpus for quick results
Detailed Metadata Added
SongKong can add detailed metadata added to a level unsurpassed by other tagger applications, this includes over one hundred different text fields and artwork
We add unique fields such as Is Classical, Is Greatest Hits and Is Soundtrack
We add the full gamut of MusicBrainz and Discogs identifiers such as MB ReleaseId, MB TrackId and MB ArtistId so you can link back to the source data records
Multiple Databases
SongKong uses MusicBrainz, Discogs and our unique Acoustid Album database.
The Acoustid database is significantly larger than the MusicBrainz database and there are many Acoustids not linked to MusicBrainz, Acoustid includes its own basic metadata but does not provide a concept of album lookup only single songs can be looked lookup. But we have imported the complete Acoustid database into Albunack and able to reconstruct Acoustid albums for Acoustids tracks giving an additional 1 million albums with tracks not linked to MusicBrainz. If SongKong can match to complete albums rather than individual Acoustid tracks we get better results.
Dedicated Server
SongKong uses our own dedicated Albunack Music Server regularly updated from the MusicBrainz and Discogs databases. This server is optimized to give you more accurate matches, faster then you would get if directly using MusicBrainz or Discogs
It also means we are unaffected with any problems with these servers
Albunack has 100% uptime and automatically starts new additional servers if needed at times of heavy load
Supports all popular audio formats
SongKong fully supports all popular audio formats including Mp3, Mp4, Aiff, Wav, Flac, Ogg, Wma and Dsf. Some of these such as Aiff are not supported by many other tag editors, you can find out more about different format support here