SongKong 8.3 Funeral released on 14th April 2022
We are pleased to announce the release of SongKong 8.3 Funeral.

SONGKONG-2300 Adding performers from Discogs sometimes giving java.lang.IllegalStateException
SONGKONG-2299 Match to Disc Release is scoring using contiguous trackno rather than discno/trackno so can can give bad match on disc2
SONGKONG-2298 ApplescriptEngine for Mac M1 is still the Intel version
SONGKONG-2297 MacOS:Not detecting MusicApp instead of iTunes on later versions of MacOS
SONGKONG-1917 iTunesApple Music:Create iTunes Model progress bar is sometimes showing as non-deterministic
SONGKONG-1228 iTunes:MacoS for iTunes Wav file integration not copying cover art
SONGKONG-2301 Look and feel improvements
SONGKONG-1124 iTunes: iTunes reliability improvements