SongKong 7.2 Cassadaga released on 8th of March 2021
We are pleased to announce the release of SongKong 7.2 Cassadaga.

- [SONGKONG-2191] - Split Rename File and Metadata Counts
- [SONGKONG-2197] - Melco:Add ability to log at higher debug levels to check permissions access
- [SONGKONG-1827] - If have MovedMatched & RenameFiles enabled may prevent file being saved if other exists with same name
- [SONGKONG-1845] - When rename albums containing many layers of folders the artwork sometimes gets lost
- [SONGKONG-2121] - MacOS Big Sur:Fix to resolve Prefer Tabs issue
- [SONGKONG-2151] - Incrementing files names only uses odd numbers
- [SONGKONG-2152] - Ignore Move Matched folder if same as Base Folder
- [SONGKONG-2163] - Folder with duplicate files moves files from folder when moves out duplicates files
- [SONGKONG-2184] - Shows ID3v23 changed message when it should be ID3v24 changed message
- [SONGKONG-2185] - Problem with case-sensitivity and filenaming with blink-182
- [SONGKONG-2186] - Windows:When SongKong checks a network file if local can null pointer on attributes and return true instead of false
- [SONGKONG-2187] - Windows:If unable to rename all files in folder because of shortening failure files can get split
- [SONGKONG-2192] - If two separate groups refer to same songs can be inteference if files being renamed
- [SONGKONG-2193] - Undo Changes can pick up folder starting with same name
- [SONGKONG-2194] - If music in one folder is split into two folders (e.g Disc 1, Disc 2) then should move any associated files to both
- [SONGKONG-2196] - Hide Warning: Nashorn engine is planned to be removed from a future JDK release from each file rename