SongKong 7.1 Eliminator released on 12th of February 2021
We are pleased to announce the release of SongKong 7.1 Eliminator.

- [SONGKONG-1015] - BoxSets:When matching against multiple disc release match to discs with same no of tracks first
- [SONGKONG-2010] - Classical Files more likely to fall foul of 255 char limit per path segment causing duplicates
- [SONGKONG-2161] - Roon:Add support for ROONALBUMTAG (for boxsets)
- [SONGKONG-2175] - If existing Genre metadata includes Classical then mark songs as Classical
- [SONGKONG-2153] - Filename clashed warning does not update the Errors and Warning progress indicator
- [SONGKONG-2155] - NullPointer saving artwork if writing song to root
- [SONGKONG-2156] - RemoteGui:Allows Move Matched folder to be set to blank even if MoveMatched is enabled
- [SONGKONG-2157] - Ensure if Is Move Matched is enabled but Matched Folder is blank then option ignored.
- [SONGKONG-2159] - Use Windows Compatible Characters is only applied to filename not the folder part of path
- [SONGKONG-2160] - Sometimes failed save gives misleading PrepareStatement Error
- [SONGKONG-2162] - Roon:SongKong not recognizing boxset folder structure
- [SONGKONG-2164] - folder.none issue
- [SONGKONG-2166] - ArtistRelationshipsAndCredits.addInstrumentsFromPerformerRoles Error trying to remove Vocals
- [SONGKONG-2167] - Unable to do complete byFolder section of Report:null
- [SONGKONG-2169] - When SongSaver task is cancelled for taking too long message doesnt say what group was cancelled
- [SONGKONG-2170] - SongKong limits BoxSet identification to 10 folders
- [SONGKONG-2176] - Classical album split into four folders because of duplicate filenames due to Windows total filepath restriction
- [SONGKONG-2178] - Not creating credits correctly when performer play multiple instruments on one track