SongKong 7.0 Magdalene released on 22nd of January 2021
We are pleased to announce the release of SongKong 7.0 Magdalene.

- [SONGKONG-0952] - Save a SongKong Id to files so can be found even if moved by iTunes, and know if has been processed.
- [SONGKONG-1018] - Give option to make Artist separate values like Artists field
- [SONGKONG-1741] - Roon:Add Recording Date and Location
- [SONGKONG-1898] - Add Sort Fields for important Non Performer Roles.
- [SONGKONG-1921] - Roon: Add roles such as PRODUCER as both individual field and INVOLVEDPEOPLE on all formats
- [SONGKONG-2025] - Roon:Look at better integration with ROON Section tag
- [SONGKONG-2135] - Add option to FixSongs to Ignore Previously Checked Files that were Not Matched.
- [SONGKONG-2136] - MinimServer:For ID3 write performers to a PERFORMER field
- [SONGKONG-2137] - Roon:Modify ORIGINAL_ALBUM_DATE mapping to ORIGINALRELEASEDATE so picked up by Roon
- [SONGKONG-2139] - Classical matcher check for Genre =Classique
- [SONGKONG-2140] - Roon:Added support for roon VERSION field
- [SONGKONG-2141] - Roon:Added support for roon LIVE field
- [SONGKONG-2148] - Need a way to empty specific fields
- [SONGKONG-2149] - Roon:Add ARTISTATIST_SORT/ARTISTS,ARTISTS_SORT to never populate for Classical
- [SONGKONG-2150] - BrowseByArtist needs to allow for AlbumArtist could now being multiple value
- [SONGKONG-2143] - IS_SOUNDTRACK field not getting added when matched to MusicBrainz
- [SONGKONG-2144] - Undercounting number of fields by one when writing Flac files without a VENDOR string