SongKong 6.12 Bizarro released on 6th January 2021
We are pleased to announce the release of SongKong 6.12 Bizarro.

- [SONGKONG-17] - Create set of predefined Javascript functions for filenaming similar to that used by Foobar2000
- [SONGKONG-317] - Warn if you enable 'Use Original Date' option and use Year in filename mask
- [SONGKONG-563] - Add Clone Filename Mask option
- [SONGKONG-568] - Add Clone Javascript functions
- [SONGKONG-834] - Add 'Not compilation' as an option to Delete Duplicates/Advanced/Preferred Criteria
- [SONGKONG-1715] - Album based Original Release Date for Original Albums rather than Track Based
- [SONGKONG-2074] - Give option to only specify YEAR part in fields such as YEAR, ORIGINAL_YEAR and ALBUM_YEAR
- [SONGKONG-2079] - Add support for Naim Uniticore meta.naim json files
- [SONGKONG-2089] - Add Play link to files when run Delete Duplicates
- [SONGKONG-2120] - Ability to delete a folder using remote UI
- [SONGKONG-2122] - Add reason for why song was deleted to Delete Duplicates report
- [SONGKONG-2123] - Add filename masks for splitting into Classical/Non-classical and also combine with HD/NonHD
- [SONGKONG-2129] - On Filenaming tab delete parent of parent folders if now just contain artwork and no other files or folders
- [SONGKONG-2130] - Delete Duplicates delete parent folders that become empty because child folder deleted as duplicates are deleted
- [SONGKONG-2133] - Add Overall Work to Edit Songs tab
- [SONGKONG-2066] - Delete Duplicates hanging (due to failure to add audio because of artwork ?)
- [SONGKONG-2118] - Delete Duplicates in remote mode not respecting preview option
- [SONGKONG-2119] - Incorrect match to Spamatron
- [SONGKONG-2125] - In report summary Duplicates always shown as blank and Deleted shown as number of duplicates
- [SONGKONG-2127] - addCompilations() javascript function not working properly
- [SONGKONG-2128] - Edit Songs cant handle corrupted images, just gives up
- [SONGKONG-2131] - is_hd field added after rename from metadata so FixSongs must be ran twice to move hd files to hd folder
- [SONGKONG-2132] - iTunes rename mask is out of date