SongKong 6.11 Floodland released on 16th November 2020
We are pleased to announce the release of SongKong 6.11 Floodland.

- [SONGKONG-2088] - Linux:Move to Java 14
- [SONGKONG-2106] - Naim UserEdits only does track mapping if have cddbinfo.txt or amginfo.xml file
- [SONGKONG-2117] - Try and create artist artwork folder if parent exists instead of complaining it doesn't exist
- [SONGKONG-2097] - Problems writing metadata for DSF files larger than 2GB
- [SONGKONG-2098] - SongChangesReport:java.lang.NullPointerException
- [SONGKONG-2101] - Melco: No files showing when start task
- [SONGKONG-2103] - Duplicate record written to SongDiff table, looks like related to renaming file to duplicate
- [SONGKONG-2105] - Invalid coverart error doesnt tell you what the problem file is
- [SONGKONG-2107] - not starting in gui on linux
- [SONGKONG-2108] - Delete Duplicates doesnt show fullpath of moved file so not clear which one is
- [SONGKONG-2109] - Delete Duplicates doesnt load all songs, if takes more than 1 hour to load them all.
- [SONGKONG-2112] - Double processing of files at Save stage related to DiscogsUpdate
- [SONGKONG-2115] - Naim Matching, add to Errors and Warnings if unable to map from songs to cddbinfo.txt for some reason
- [SONGKONG-2116] - Naim Matching, better parsing of filename when named as a multi-disc album