SongKong 6.9.4 Mercury released on 29th May 2020
We are pleased to announce the release of SongKong 6.9.4 Mercury.

This minor release makes improvements to Song Only matching. With song only matching SongKong could sometimes try to work out the Album and Album Artist values. But it was doing this too often, sometimes causing songs from the same album to end up with differing values for Album or Album Artist, now it is much more careful and will only set these values when it is sure it can be set the same for all songs in the grouping. There are also a a number of minor improvements made to the song only matching algorithm.
The Browse by Artist/Album and Browse by Album sections of the report now only group songs by the Album Artist. Previously if the Album Artist was missing they would group by the Artist field instead, but this was confusing because it then looked like the album had been split when in fact the issue was that there was no value for Album Artist.
Full List of improvements and fixes
- [SONGKONG-1674] - Improve Compilation Album Matching
- [SONGKONG-2045] - Add jdk.jcmd to module to allow commands such as jstat/jmap to work
- [SONGKONG-2046] - Protect against Song Only matches on Compilations where Artist is set but Album Artist is not causing album to have varying Album Artist added.
- [SONGKONG-2047] - Tune Metaspace
- [SONGKONG-2050] - Only group by Album not Artist in Browse by Artist/Album
- [SONGKONG-2057] - No point searching for release by acoustid=null or artist=unknown artist
- [SONGKONG-2048] - StatusReport:OutOfMemoryError
- [SONGKONG-2051] - UnknownArtist/UNKNOWNARTIST being shown twice in BrowseByArtistAlbum
- [SONGKONG-2052] - Song Only AlbumArtist check should use matched artist not existing song.artist
- [SONGKONG-2058] - FixSongs on large music can require evictions to ReleaseCache causing having to reget at report stage
- [SONGKONG-2060] - In progress dialog the 'Save i(f not preview)' is misleading when not running in preview mode
- [SONGKONG-1674] - Improve Compilation Album Matching
- [SONGKONG-2045] - Add jdk.jcmd to module to allow commands such as jstat/jmap to work
- [SONGKONG-2046] - Protect against Song Only matches on Compilations where Artist is set but Album Artist is not causing album to have varying Album Artist added.
- [SONGKONG-2047] - Tune Metaspace
- [SONGKONG-2050] - Only group by Album not Artist in Browse by Artist/Album
- [SONGKONG-2057] - No point searching for release by acoustid=null or artist=unknown artist
- [SONGKONG-2048] - StatusReport:OutOfMemoryError
- [SONGKONG-2051] - UnknownArtist/UNKNOWNARTIST being shown twice in BrowseByArtistAlbum
- [SONGKONG-2052] - Song Only AlbumArtist check should use matched artist not existing song.artist
- [SONGKONG-2058] - FixSongs on large music can require evictions to ReleaseCache causing having to reget at report stage
- [SONGKONG-2060] - In progress dialog the 'Save i(f not preview)' is misleading when not running in preview mode