SongKong 6.8 Rumours released on 29th January 2020
We are pleased to announce the release of SongKong 6.8 Rumours by Fleetwood Mac, simply a fantastic Pop/Rock album.

This release is mainly a bug fix release, includes a number of fixes to do with Artist Images. One quite obscure but important bug fix wss that SongKong allowed images greater than 16MB to be added to Flac files, but Flac does not support images greater than 16MB. We also had problems with redownloading images more than once, and conversely not downloading images when they should have been downloaded.
We also have some fixes for Docker images to prevent memory and file descriptor errors
The Song Details report page used to have an Old Value and New Value column for all fields, but this is only necessary when a field has been modified, not if it remains unchanged, or is added or deleted so we have simplified these pages
- [SONGKONG-1946] - Remote:Ignore leading or trailing spaces when user enters License details
- [SONGKONG-1948] - Melco:Hide Expansion from folder if no extra drive connected.
- [SONGKONG-1952] - Prefer Releases with Offical Status when looking for artwork for other release in same releasegroup
- [SONGKONG-1958] - Modify SongDetails page so that we dont show two columns when no actual changes
- [SONGKONG-1960] - Docker:SongKong memory should be based on docker container limits
- [SONGKONG-1902] - CoverImages, although we check on dataKey still seem to have issue where save fails because already exists
- [SONGKONG-1945] - If run FixSongs, then change language, then run Create Support Files the report doesn't get picked up
- [SONGKONG-1947] - SongKong should not derive work from title if MB work is valid for all tracks in release and title is not
- [SONGKONG-1950] - Docker:File Descriptors ran out during Report Creation
- [SONGKONG-1951] - AcoustidKey should be stored in not
- [SONGKONG-1953] - Manual Edit Failing because of Clipboard Issue
- [SONGKONG-1954] - SongKong problem with saving large Flac images so that the files cannot be reread.
- [SONGKONG-1955] - For ArtistArtwork If you dont select Artist may prevent Composer Image being found
- [SONGKONG-1959] - Filter Instruments so dont add same instrument twice