
Interface Summary
AudioFileModificationListener Classes implementing this interface will be notified on audio file's modifications.


Class Summary
AbstractTag This class is the default implementation for Tag and introduces some more useful functionality to be implemented.
AbstractTagCreator Abstract class for creating the raw content that represents the tag so it can be written to file.
AudioFileModificationAdapter Adapter for AudioFileModificationListener.
AudioFileWriter This abstract class is the skeleton for tag writers.
GenericAudioHeader This class represents a structure for storing and retrieving information about the codec respectively the encoding parameters.
Most of the parameters are available for nearly each audio format.
GenericTag This is a complete example implementation of AbstractTag and it currenlty used to provide basic support to audio formats with only read tagging ability such as Real or Wav files
ModificationHandler This class multicasts the events to multiple listener instances.
Additionally the Vetos are handled.
Utils Contains various frequently used static functions in the different tag formats