
Exception Summary
CannotReadException This exception is thrown if an audio file cannot be read.
Causes may be invalid data or IO errors.
CannotReadVideoException This exception should be thrown idf it appears the file is a video file, jaudiotagger only supports audio files.
CannotWriteException This exception is thrown if the writing process of an audio file failed.
InvalidAudioFrameException Thrown if portion of file thought to be an AudioFrame is found to not be.
InvalidBoxHeaderException Thrown if when trying to read box id the length doesn't make any sense
ModifyVetoException This exception is thrown if a AudioFileModificationListener wants to prevent the "e;entagged audio library"e; from actually finishing its operation.
This exception can be used in all methods but AudioFileModificationListener.fileOperationFinished(
NullBoxIdException Thrown if when trying to read box id just finds nulls Normally an error, but if occurs at end of file we allow it
ReadOnlyFileException This is the exception when try and access a read only file
UnableToCreateFileException Should be thrown when unable to create a file when it is expected it should be creatable.
UnableToModifyFileException Should be thrown when unable to modify a file when it is expected it should bemodifiable.
UnableToRenameFileException Should be thrown when unable to rename a file when it is expected it should rename.