
Welcome to Jaudiotagger. Jaudiotagger is the Audio Tagging library used by Jaikoz and SongKong taggers for tagging data in Audio files. It currently fully supports Mp3, Mp4 (Mp4 audio, M4a and M4p audio) Ogg Vorbis, Flac, Wav, Aif, Dsf and Wma

It can be freely used under the terms of the Lesser General Public License. In essence this means that it can be used in any application but if you improve or modify the library those modifications should be freely available, please fork our git repo and submit as pull request to feed changes back in. If you have a specific bug, feature, or issue to discuss, then it should be posted to the Issue Tracker

If you are unsure whether your modifications are outside of the license restrictions please contact .


Jaudiotagger is not the only Java tagging library available, but does have some key benefits you might like to consider in evaluating a library to use