Jaikoz 11.5 Radiohead released May 11th 2022

We are pleased to announce Jaikoz 11.5 Radiohead is now released

Release notes - Jaikoz - Version 11.5


JAIKOZ-1414 Windows:Titlebar not showing as dark because of issue with Flatlaf Dll extraction

JAIKOZ-1413 MusicBrainzUpdateSong:updateSongsFromMusicBrainz:SEVERE: null java.util.NoSuchElementException

JAIKOZ-1412 Hide striping for single column lists

JAIKOZ-1410 Match to Disc Release is scoring using contiguous trackno rather than discno/trackno so can can give bad match on disc2

JAIKOZ-1408 MusicBrainz Genre should be Never Alter not Always Add Values

JAIKOZ-1407 Discogs:Artwork default should be Replace If Empty but is Always Replace Values

JAIKOZ-1406 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: sort order must be non-null

JAIKOZ-1405 NullPointerException for AudioFileLoader on startup

JAIKOZ-1401 Some Preferences Tables not showing as striped

JAIKOZ-1372 MacOS: In dark mode the menubar stays light

JAIKOZ-983 Windows:iTunes Dispatch not hooked to windows memory


JAIKOZ-1418 Add native MacOS M1 Build

JAIKOZ-1416 Review the most popular translation languages

JAIKOZ-1415 iTunes on Windows:Move from using jacob library to com4j library

JAIKOZ-1396 Better match Dark Mode on MacOS to native Dark Mode

JAIKOZ-1380 More Look and Feel Improvements

JAIKOZ-1260 Update to Java 17

JAIKOZ-1171 Support copying Wav metadata fields straight into iTunes

JAIKOZ-1169 WAV for iTunes not copying data into iTunes

JAIKOZ-1098 WIndows:Itunes Move Track error

JAIKOZ-417 Get Jaikoz to listen to changes to when iTunes moves files so that Jaikoz doesn't complain it can no longer find files

JAIKOZ-280 Store Itunes id in file (or database) so we can better track it, esp regarding 2615

JAIKOZ-141 Interrogate itunes playlist after updating from Jaikoz to see if expected songs made it to playlist, and log suitable warnings