
If you require assistance the Support Forums are the place to go, we check this regularly and there are also experienced Jaikoz users who help out.

Open Issue Tracker

Jaikoz uses the professional JIRA issue tracking for tracking bugs and improvements. You can view all issues here

Non Expiring Software

Some providers sell Software as a Service, this means you have to pay a monthly or yearly fee to continue using software you have already purchased. But Jthink software never expires and gives free support for life.

Updates to the latest version are available for one year after purchase at no cost and after that there is a small upgrade fee to get another years updates.

Multi Computer License

Many of us these days have more then one computer, maybe a work laptop, a desktop and a computer connected directly to your TV. Jaikoz allows a single license to be installed on three computers so usually one license per household is all you need.

Multi Platform

Jaikoz is always released on all supported platforms at the same time.

It is available for the latest versions of MacOS Intel, M1 and M2, Windows and Linux